Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 6- Coming to you live

I am live blogging tonight. As in, doing the activity while I type. Don't know about where you are, but we just had a whopper of a rainstorm here (hallelujah). So the temperature has dropped dramatically. It's wonderful. I came outside at about 9:00 which was just right to watch the sky go from lavender to cobalt to navy. The air is damp, but not oppressive.

But that's not why I'm out here. I'm out here for the nature symphony. And it's amazing. Crickets, a few cicadas, and FROGS!! Good lord, the frogs and toads are having a heyday. What's really cool is that there are different tones of their sounds. Deep croaks at times and mid-range calling. But just a constant cacophony. It's not annoying. And it's not overwhelming. I could be out here with a book and the sounds wouldn't phase me. In fact, if I was anywhere near a screen porch, I'd probably sleep outside tonight and allow the noises to lull me to sleep.

Did I mention the lovely, clean ozone smell on top of the croaks and chirps of nature? It's like the icing on the cake at this point. Everything just feels cool and fresh and right. The occasional "drip, drip"'of leftover raindrops falling off the pine trees doesn't hurt, either. I think if I had a few friends out here with me and we were either making S'mores and/or telling ghost stories, I might just think it was a little slice of heaven on earth.

PS- my apologies for any typos in today's post. No working internet right this second means I'm coming to you live from the iPhone. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post. And I wish I had been there with you. Maybe sipping champagne instead of making S'mores--but I could definitely get behind the ghost stories!
