Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 13- Let the games begin

As we've discussed previously, one of the true highlights of the summer is the fact that it stays light for so long after dinner, thus allowing you to play outside for much longer! Today, I decided that I needed to learn a new game. Yes ladies and gentlemen, it was time for me to learn that super highbrow game known as...LADDERBALL. (Also known as ladder golf in some parts of the country.)

For those unfamiliar with said game, here's a quick picture:

Essentially, you're supposed to stand, like, 20 to 25 feet from the ladders and sling the bolas (yep, that's what the balls connected by the strings are called) at said ladders. If you manage to get your bola to wrap itself around one of the rungs, you get points! YAY!

Here's a little secret about D.G. that most of you probably don't know. My depth perception is WRETCHED. I'm serious y'all. It's bad. I firmly believe that this is the main reason why I am not athletically gifted. But, I digress. I was determined to master ladder ball!!! So, I stood back, took a deep breath, and slung my first bola!

WHAAAAAT? Did I make it onto the ladder on my very first try??? Oh. Hell. Yeah. I was as gleeful as a kid at that point, let me tell you. So, I stuck it out. Kept flinging the bolas. And it was fun. And I didn't have to be anywhere at a certain time and I was just determined to beat my own record. Remember that? When you were a kid and you'd do something over and over again just to beat yourself? That was me. I was IN THE ZONE!

By the end of my evening outside, I had 5 mosquito bites, but I was regularly accomplishing this:

Yep, those would be all 3 of my bolas hung on the ladder. Shut up. I went in feeling pleased as punch with myself. So I ask you, when's the last time you went outside after dinner and challenged yourself (or the neighbors) to a fun outdoor game? Get on it. And, while you're at it, get some Off. Or Cutter. Trust me on this one.

1 comment:

  1. Chael's family loves to play this game. And then the brothers like to throw the bolas at each other.
