Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3- Hmmm

Today's idea seemed like it would be an easy one. I decided that I needed to do what all REAL kids do during the summer. When you were thirsty, what did you drink? KOOL-AID, OF COURSE!!! Now, I know this may not sound like such a big deal to some of you readers. I know there is a relatively large chunk of the adult population that does still drink Kool-Aid. I am not one of them. I couldn't even tell you when the last time was that I did have Kool-Aid. So, off I went to Kroger...

Wow. There are a lot more choices than there were 25 years ago, I have to say. "Watermelon Kiwi?" "Berry Blast?" Thank goodness I was able to unearth what was my favorite sort of jammed in the middle and pushed back from the front. "Tropical Punch." Armed with my tiny envelope of artificially flavored and colored (but caffeine and gluten free, thank goodness!) beverage, I hustled home to mix it up.

Ok, one envelope, one cup of Splenda, and 2 quarts of water. (Oh, and for all you purists who want to try to tell me that the only real Kool-Aid is made with sugar, my parents never allowed me to have the sugar Kool-Aid. I only ever had sugar-free. And I'm sugar-free now. So, get over it.)

Look at that. Two quarts of smiley pitcher goodness. Remember when the Kool-Aid guy would crash through walls and stuff in the old commercials and everyone would get so happy to see him? Oh yeah!!!!!

So, I poured myself a tall glass and prepared to be WOWED. The first glass, not too bad. The second glass, still pretty good. Once I hit glass number three, though, I gotta be honest: my taste buds were kind of over it. My 34 year old self reeeeeeally missed my sweet tea.

My goal was to drink the entire pitcher. You know- when we were kids and all we drank all day was Kool-Aid. Unfortunately, I failed in my task, friends. I couldn't do it. But don't worry. The pitcher is still in my fridge. I'll just sip on it over the next few days. Day 3 experiment complete. Perhaps not the tastiest one yet. But, still kind of fun.


  1. Back when I used to waitress at Loco's, we'd have Kool-Aid days. Someone would go over to Kroger and get a ton of it and mix it up in one of those Gatorade coolers. Grape Kool-Aid still rocks my world, although I haven't had it in eons.

  2. My Mom never bought us Kool-Aid when we were kids. But on occasion, my Dad would come home with Tang!!! You should add Tang to your to do list! I wonder . . . would it taste as good now as it did when I was a kid?
