Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 16- Summer blockbuster

I know, I know. I've already done a blog about going to the movies. But, to be specific, that was the DOLLAR movie that they only do on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. And it's always an older movie. Today is a WHOLE different thing.

Today's adventure was about going to a brand spankin' new gigantic summer release. We didn't get to go to many movies in the theater when I was a kid. Too expensive. But, I did have very vivid snapshots of some of the ones that we just couldn't miss. I remember that I had to sit in my dad's lap to watch "Back to the Future" because they'd oversold the movie theater. "Return of the Jedi" was just as crazy. (I'd been too little to see the first 2 Star Wars movies in the theater.) And does anyone remember a little movie called "Ghostbusters"?

I digress. Today was the day to see a brand new movie. One that was OBVIOUSLY going to make an insane amount of money. And it was:

Shut up. I have a kid. Besides, it was fun. It was SUPER crowded. We had to line up in a queue before they'd let us in the theater, for Pete's sake. Everyone had their giant tubs of popcorn and were all really excited to be there. And it was great. It was cold and dark and we were entertained by something brand new. And, if nothing else, we could all say that we'd seen something on OPENING DAY! We were part of that crazy statistic that they will run on Monday.

Get to the theater at some point this summer and see a great big BLOCKBUSTER! Yeah, yeah. Artsy films have their place. But, summer is the season for explosions and car chases and big laughs and big loves. (And yes, "Cars 2" had all of those, thank you very much.)

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