Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2

Today's activity was suggested first by the fun loving Andy C. His recommendation? Popsicles. Well, technically, it was a push up pop (which I ABSOLUTELY love, by the way and probably ate my weight in as a kid). However, since I live in a cool place called Athens, Georgia, I have other options. Options that I decided to take full advantage of.

Enter The King of Pops (http://www.facebook.com/kingofpopsathens)!! Want the greatest popsicle you've ever put in your mouth? Take a gander at the menu below for what all my options were today-

After some SERIOUS soul searching, I went with the peaches and cream. Mostly because Gus (the super cool Popsicle Dude shown in the below photo) recommended it and they are also almost out of them.

Gus produced my peaches and cream popsicle from the the depths of the coolest dessert dispensing machine in town and it looked a little something like this:

Can I please just tell you how incredibly fantastic this popsicle was? Holy smokes. It was like the greatest peach milkshake I'd ever tasted only frozen on a stick. Sweet and creamy and fruity, but never overwhelming with any of the flavors and dee-licious!! As I casually strolled through downtown Athens enjoying my treat, I knew I'd made the correct choice for today. There was this tiny cool breeze that snuck up on me and for a second, it wasn't too hot. It wasn't gross. It was warm and and sunny and I was 8 and just enjoying a summer treat. The only thing missing when I was done were the awful stained teeth that our childhood popsicles used to give us.

PS- If you're in Athens and you can get to downtown near the Globe and the Georgia Bar from between 1:30 and 6:00 in the afternoons, get you some King of Pops!!! Tell them I sent you. It won't get you anything, but it's always nice to get a shout out, right?


  1. Yes!

    Thanks for doing my suggestion. I noticed that Tangerine Basil was crossed out on the menu board. Too bad. That sounds divine!

    Now off to scheme up more fun for you...

  2. I would have had a very tough time deciding between the strawberry lemonade and the Arnold Palmer. I must get my behind downtown soon to sample!

  3. We have a shop in St Augustine that also makes awesome popsicles! I feel terrible for those who don't have easy access to such amazing deliciousness...I've been trying to get my hands on the "Elvis Presley" there for about 6 months...one day I'll succeed....
