Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 11- Time to chillax

Lamest. Word. Ever. For the record.

But I digress. Today's suggestion comes to us from the lovely Jessie B. She had the swell idea to take a nap in one of these:

Wellll, since I hadn't won the lottery, nor do I live anywhere near a beach, mine looked more like this:

Hey- beggars can't be choosers, right? Now, for those of you reading this who REALLY know me, you know that I am literally unable to nap. No, I'm not kidding. I can't nap. Whenever I try, it's always a disaster and I generally feel cruddier and more tired than when I originally laid down. So, I figured that simply laying and swaying would be a good enough substitute. (Jessie B. is the forgiving type and all.)

So, I gathered all the necessities- a pillow, some catalogs that have been languishing on my kitchen counter, and of course the MOST important thing:

If you can't tell what that is, just go ahead and smack yourself. (And to the guys reading this: no, it is not a beer.)

I am sure that majority of you have, at one time or another, laid in a hammock. So, you know that there is NO graceful or cool way to get into or out of a hammock. Hence why there are no pictures of those events on this entry. :) I settled in and stretched out. Here were my 2 primary views:


It was wonderfully overcast here today. The breeze was constant and cool and my hammock was swaying ever so gently back and forth. Oh my goodness. It was heaven. You got that vibe like you were on a ship and just gently listing from side to side. As I flipped through my catalogs, I truly felt like I was just sinking into the hammock. It was wonderful. Relaxing. I could honestly say that I could have stayed in that hammock for hours this afternoon, if I'd had them available. And who knows? Maybe if I had stayed a little longer, I could have finally achieved...

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