Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 19- Time for a break

Let's go back to when you were a kid during the summer (I know, I know- that's the whole point of this blog) and you had yet another day of insanity. Either you played outside in the heat for an insane amount of time or you had some sort of family reunion or just some random activity that took up most of the day. And you were hot and cranky and just generally felt bad. It was at this point that your mom or dad probably told you "You need a nap!" or "You need some quiet time!"

Of course, you were 5. So, you fought it. And usually argued about it. But when your little body hit those cool sheets, it was like heaven. And you were done for.

That was me yesterday. An insane amount of work in the morning following by an INTENSE workout. By 2:00, I was fried. Done. Now, if you've been reading this blog at all, you know that I am physically incapable of napping. But, I did both the adult and kid thing where I ordered myself to my bed for quiet time. And I obeyed me.

On went the ceiling fan. Closed went the door. Up went the super cool white sheets. My body needed a break. It needed this quiet time. And rather than worry about all the stuff I had to later on that night and during the week. I just...stopped. I was still and quiet and just sank into the bed. And just like when we were kids, it was exactly what I needed. 45 minutes later, I got up refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the day with a MUCH better attitude than I'd had when I banished myself to my room.

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