Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 24- Our parents did it to us at some point

Ok, so some parts of summer were just unavoidable. For both males and females. At some point during the summer, our moms looked at us and announced, "YOU NEED A HAIRCUT!" For boys, you pretty much went to the barber shop with your dad and just got a buzz cut. Perhaps a one or two guard. For girls, anything that was hanging below your shoulders tended to get whacked off. And let's be honest, it was cooler. And it stayed out of your way.

The funny thing is that we're still kind of programmed to do this. Men, inevitably, cut their hair shorter when the temps go up. And all of a sudden, every other woman on earth has a bob. We want it off our necks and out of our way. It's utilitarian. Pure and simple.

So, needless to say, I fell victim to the pre-programming. It was time for a visit to the salon and I had visions of a cut. A FOR SERIOUS cut.

My hair guru gave me the thumbs up on my choice. And he went to work. Scissors and razor in hand, I was soon freed of the weight of my fall/winter/spring hair. All I needed a lollipop to feel like I was back in the 1st grade getting this done. (Note to self, recommend lollipops next time I'm at the salon.)

Now, for those who haven't seen me in a while or who have never met me, my hair was pretty darn long. It was down to the middle of my back. It had been quite a growing out process. When it was all said and done, this was what was on the floor at the salon:

Oh. My. Goodness. As another stylist said "You could knit a hat out of that!" It was a little stunning. But, since I ended up with this: was OK! Shorter, cooler, yet still able to be pulled back into a ponytail. And that, my friends, it what it was and still is all about.

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