Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 22- Splash and splash

Today's suggestion was sort of a happy accident. I was going to go swimming and figure out my summer activity when I looked up and saw the clouds rolling in.

Now, my lovely friend Jaime D. suggested ages ago that I should go swimming in the rain. This is kind of a Florida thing as we get afternoon showers every single day. Most of the time, they are thunderstorms. But, on the rare occasion that it ends up just being rain, there is NO way we let that stop us from enjoying whatever outdoor activity we're doing.

I was doing laps and floating lazily when I got hit in the face with the first drop. WTH? It may have been the biggest, fattest raindrop ever. And just like that, the bottom fell out. Everyone in the pool sort of hesitated. We were waiting on the lifeguard to tell us to get out. But, there was no thunder. No lightning. So it was on like Donkey Kong.

Of course, there were the few people who jumped out of the pool and ran for shelter saying "I'm getting wet!!!" Um...

The rest of us, however, relished in the sudden downpour. I gotta tell you, it was absolutely FREEZING! I'm serious! That was the coldest rain ever to fall during the summertime, EVER!! It was warmer to just sort of sink into the pool up to your neck than to have any body parts exposed! And the bounce back from the surface of the pool was tremendous!

It was fantastic to just swim in it and let the drops bounce off your face and arms and float on your back and open your mouth to catch raindrops. Our joy was short lived. Unfortunately, the thunder and lightning did roll in. But, for about 10 minutes, there was gleeful splashing and laughing and everyone generally feeling like they were kids again.

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